Partially Addressed Mail
Partially Addressed Mail has become a great option for targeting new customers without using personal data. PAM gives mail marketing a middle ground that is easily GDPR compliant, more affordable than direct mail, and of course a great way to increase your sales. It has become a very popular and successful marketing strategy for many UK-based businesses large and small, but before we get all giddy about it, let’s start at the beginning:
What is Partially Addressed Mail?!
PAM is another 3-letter-acronym from the world of marketing. It stands for “partially addressed mail”, with the partially being the key difference from our door drop or direct mail services. If you’ve ever received mail through your door that says “To resident”, “The Homeowner”, etc, this is what we call partially addressed. It’s still targeted mail to specific addresses, but they don’t have individual names.
But what is it that makes PAM so effective?
The impact that your campaign will have (the measure of how much your campaign is interacted with) also changes across Door Drop, PAM and Direct Mail. When running an identical campaign across all three mail options, 1000 items will gain 3342 impacts using Door Drop, 4053 impacts using PAM and 4947 impacts using Direct Mail.
So why do we see such good campaign impact with PAM?
Well, PAM stays in the home longer than door drop! …but not quite as long as direct mail: The average for Door Drop is 5.19 days, PAM comes in second with 6.65 days, and Direct Mail gets 7.09 days. This will increase the chance of the mail being spoken about, links to be visited or phone numbers to be called.
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How much does PAM cost? 🤔
Partially addressed mail is substantially cheaper than Direct Mail... whilst still giving a feeling of being direct. On average, buying data from your PAM campaign will be 8 pence a record cheaper than getting data for DM. It’s a nice balance between having powerful targeting and personalisation possibilities, whilst keeping the cost down.
The other advantage of not getting that extra data for individuals names, is that it gives you a bit of respite from GDPR. Partially addressed mail uses no personal data about the recipient, meaning you don’t need to worry so much about securing the data you’re using in the campaign.
How should you use PAM?
One cool thing you can do with PAM is target like-for-like customers. We all know that the days where you would post mail without a strategic plan of who and where to target are long gone, but PAM is special from door drop and direct mail in this like-for-like approach.
By targeting like-for-like customers your marketing material will be placed into the hands of people that are most likely to engage with your product/service. This in turn generates a much greater ROI for your business then creating a more vague targeting strategy.
Partially addressed mail specifications
When getting in touch with the team to book a PAM service, these are the bits and pieces we will want to know from you before we get started ☝️
After we’ve established the basics, we’ll also help you to design, print and mail your marketing piece, so all the complicated logistics are taken off your list of things to stress about.
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