News & Tips

Targeting based on lifestyle: a quick note

For some reason it still shocks people when they find out targeting with mail, is almost identical t...
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Case study: Clothing retailer

Below is a case study for a clothing retailer campaign delivered with LDM. To download or view the p...
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Give your business some TLC: refresh that strategy

We know that you don’t have a lot of time in your day. And we also know that IF you sat down to make...
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Case study: Local beauty parlour

Below is a case study for a local beauty parlour campaign delivered with LDM. To download or view th...
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Accessibility in printed marketing

Mail is inherently accessible, allowing those without internet access, or those that choose to stay...
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Case study: Private healthcare

Below is a case study for a private health campaign delivered with LDM. To download or view the plai...
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No junk mail 🙅

Time to address something that is often glazed over in our industry. “No Junk Mail” sign...
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Door drop marketing 101

Made it this far into our website without knowing what the heck door drop marketing is?! That is qui...
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How to prove your ROI with mail

To prove ROI with mail shouldn’t be a mystery. And by using all the tools available to monitor...
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Our guide to Christmas door drop campaigns

“Are you sure you don’t have any availability?!” A question that often gets asked...
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Planning a reliable door drop campaign

Planning a reliable door drop campaign takes care and counts on many elements coming together. Getti...
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Door drop MD of the year!

So this happened! 👇 It’s been 11 years since LDM UK came about, and since then it has seen ma...
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